Introduction Wasps in the Winter
Winter brings with it many changes. The leaves fall, snow blankets the ground, and animals go into hibernation. But what happens to wasps during these colder months? If you’ve ever wondered, “Where do wasps go in winter?” or “Do wasps die in winter?” you’re not alone. These questions are especially relevant for homeowners who might be concerned about a wasp nest close to their property, and nature enthusiasts who are curious about the behavior of these often misunderstood creatures.
In this blog post, we will dive into the intriguing world of wasps in winter. We’ll discuss their life cycle, common hiding spots during the cold months, survival rates, and how their behavior compares to that of bees. So, let’s delve into the answers to your burning questions about where wasps go, what they do, and whether or not they survive the winter season.
Section 1: The Life Cycle of a Wasp
Understanding the Wasp Life Cycle
Before we dive into the winter behavior of wasps, it’s essential to have a general understanding of their life cycle. A wasp’s life begins as an egg, laid by the queen wasp inside a nest. These eggs hatch into larvae, which are then fed by worker wasps. Once the larvae grow, they transform into pupae and finally emerge as adult wasps, ready to contribute to the communal tasks of nest-building, foraging, and rearing young ones. If you want a comprenhensive guide on wasps an hornets we have also got you covered.
The community typically consists of a single reproductive queen, a few male wasps for mating, and a large number of sterile female worker wasps. The queen is generally the only one who survives the winter, as we will explore further in this post.
Preparing for Winter
As cold weather approaches, wasps undergo several changes to prepare for the challenging months ahead. By late summer or early fall, new queens and males are produced for mating. After mating, the males die off, and the newly fertilized queens seek refuge in various places to hibernate. These hiding spots can range from the bark of trees to attics in homes.
The worker wasps have a more grim fate; most will not survive the winter. As food becomes scarce, the workers become less active and eventually die, leaving the queen to hibernate alone until spring, where she will emerge to start a new colony.
In summary, understanding the wasp life cycle and how wasps prepare for winter can offer insights into why they behave the way they do during the colder months. This knowledge is not only fascinating but also critical for homeowners who are looking to manage wasp populations around their residences.
In our next sections, we’ll delve deeper into the specific winter activities and survival strategies of wasps, so stay tuned for more intriguing facts about these buzzing creatures.
Section 2: Where Do Wasps Go in the Winter?
As winter arrives, you’ll likely notice a significant drop in wasp activity around your yard or garden. This decline is mainly because most of the wasp colony—especially the worker wasps—does not survive the colder months. However, the queen wasps have a different strategy to cope with winter. Let’s take a look at the common places wasps go during this time and how this varies among different types of wasps.
Common Hiding Spots for Wasps
In preparation for winter, the newly mated queen wasps typically seek shelter in insulated, protected environments. Some of these hibernation spots can include:
- Under the bark of trees
- Inside hollow logs
- In sheds or other outdoor structures
- Attics or wall voids in homes
These locations offer the queen wasps the protection and insulation they need to survive through the colder months. It’s worth noting that these hiding spots are usually away from the hustle and bustle of human activity, which means you’re less likely to encounter a wasp in winter compared to the warmer months. If you do find some wasps in your home they are bound to be groggy and low energy which is not to say they cannot sting. If you do get stung by a hibernating queen we have compiled some info on how to treat the sting.
Types of Wasps and Their Winter Behavior
Different types of wasps have varying behaviors and preferences when it comes to overwintering. Here’s a quick breakdown:
Paper Wasps
Paper wasps generally build their nests in sheltered areas like eaves or ledges. During winter, the queen abandons the nest and seeks a more protected location for hibernation, often in or around human-made structures.
Yellow Jackets
Yellow jackets are more aggressive than paper wasps and are known to build larger colonies. Their queens also seek hidden, sheltered places for winter hibernation but may prefer to go underground, like in a rodent burrow.
So the next time you’re wondering where all the wasps have gone when the snow starts to fall, remember that the queens are hibernating in safe havens, waiting to emerge and start new colonies come spring.
Section 3: Do Wasps Die in the Winter?
One of the most common questions surrounding wasps and winter is: “Do wasps die in the winter?” The answer is a bit more nuanced than a simple yes or no. In this section, we’ll discuss the survival rates of wasps during the winter months and clarify some common misconceptions about their fate.
Survival Rates and Common Misconceptions
There’s a widespread belief that wasps die off in winter, leaving their nests abandoned. While this is partially true, it’s important to distinguish between different members of the wasp colony. Most worker wasps do not survive the winter; as temperatures drop and food becomes scarce, their life cycle comes to an end. However, the queen wasps, which are responsible for starting new colonies in the spring, have a different strategy.
The Fate of Worker Wasps
Worker wasps, which are sterile females responsible for gathering food and maintaining the nest, generally have a shorter life span. As winter approaches, these wasps become less active and eventually die, often within the nest or around it. The cold temperatures and lack of food contribute to their demise.
The Fate of Queen Wasps
In contrast, queen wasps have a more favorable fate. After mating in late summer or early autumn, the new queens seek out secure, insulated places to hibernate through the winter. Hibernation is a critical survival tactic for queen wasps. During hibernation, their metabolic rate drops, allowing them to survive for months without food. It is during this period of hibernation that the queen wasps are most vulnerable. A particularly harsh winter or any disturbance to their hiding place could prove fatal. They emerge from these hiding spots once temperatures rise in the spring, ready to start new colonies.
Some people assume that wasp nests remain active throughout winter, but this is a misconception. The nests are generally abandoned, and the new queens will build new nests when spring arrives.
No Winter Nests
One common misconception is that wasps maintain their nests during winter. This is not the case. As mentioned before, the nests are abandoned as winter approaches. New queens will construct new nests in the spring, often in different locations.

Section 4: When Do Wasps Come Out of Hibernation?
As spring approaches, many homeowners begin to wonder when they might start seeing wasps buzzing around their property again. The emergence of wasps from hibernation signals the start of a new season of nest-building and foraging. Knowing when this is likely to happen and what signs to look for can help you prepare for the upcoming wasp season.
Signs That Indicate the End of Hibernation
The appearance of wasps during the warmer days of early spring is a clear sign that they have come out of hibernation. The average temperature at which queen wasps stop hibernating can vary depending on the species and geographic location. However, queen wasps generally emerge from hibernation when temperatures consistently reach around 50 to 59 degrees Fahrenheit or 10 to 15 degrees Celsius . It’s not just the temperature that triggers their emergence, but also the increase in daylight hours and the availability of food sources like nectar and other insects.
Other indicators include:
- Increased insect activity: As temperatures rise, other insects become more active, providing a food source that attracts wasps.
- Discovery of new nests: Queen wasps start building new nests in preparation for their colonies. You may begin to notice small, newly-constructed wasp nests around your property.
- More frequent sightings: As the queen begins to establish a new colony and lay eggs, the number of worker wasps will gradually increase, leading to more frequent sightings.
Preparing for the Spring Wasp Season
While the emergence of wasps is a natural part of the changing seasons, there are steps you can take to manage and reduce the risks associated with these stinging insects.
- Inspect Your Property: Conduct a thorough inspection of your property for any signs of new nests. Early detection makes it easier to remove nests before they get too large.
- Seal Entry Points: If you’ve had wasps in your home before, ensure that all entry points like cracks, crevices, and openings in the structure are properly sealed.
- Maintain Outdoor Areas: Keep outdoor eating areas clean to avoid attracting wasps. Properly seal and dispose of all food and drink containers.
- Consult Professionals: If you notice a nest that’s difficult to access or you’re dealing with a large number of wasps, it might be safest to consult with professional pest control services.
Being aware of when wasps come out of hibernation and taking proactive measures can help you enjoy your outdoor spaces more comfortably in the warmer months. The spring emergence is a natural process, but understanding it better equips you to coexist safely with these fascinating yet often unwelcome creatures.
Recommended products
Spectracide Wasp & Hornet Killer Aerosol Spray
- Type: Wasp Spray
- Use: For neutralizing wasp nests from a safe distance.
- Features: Long spray range, quick knockdown, and residual action to kill returning wasps.
- Recommended For: Eliminating established nests. Always read and follow the manufacturer’s safety instructions.
- Type: Wasp, Hornet, and Yellowjacket Trap
- Use: For trapping and monitoring wasp activity.
- Features: Non-toxic, easy to set up, and reusable. It’s designed to lure paper wasps, hornets, and yellow jackets.
- Recommended For: Detecting wasp presence early in the season or for mild infestations.
DAP Silicone Sealant
- Type: Sealant
- Use: For sealing cracks, gaps, and other potential entry points.
- Features: Waterproof, flexible, and easy to apply with a standard caulk gun.
- Recommended For: Prevention, especially before the wasp season starts.
Wondercide Natural Indoor Pest Control Spray
- Type: Natural Repellent
- Use: For repelling wasps and other pests inside your home.
- Features: Made from essential oils like cedar and lemongrass. Safe for pets and children.
- Recommended For: Keeping wasps away from indoor areas like garages, attics, and basements.